"In the red tent, the truth is known. Women give thanks - for repose and restoration, for the knowledge that life comes from between our legs, and that life costs blood."
Anita Diamant, The Red Tent
Anita Diamant, The Red Tent
When Women heal, the World heals.
Women have come together to support and celebrate our bodily rhythms for millennia. In many traditional cultures, women are given space from familial duties to join other women in a Moon Lodge, where they are given medicine, counsel, and wisdom.
These cultures often have a healthy respect for the female body and a reverence for her role as life-giver. These female spaces are essential to uplifting women's true authenticity, safety, empowerment, and sovereignty.
When women are empowered, everyone is empowered, for all of culture is born of Her.
Women are the center and origins of Life, our future depends on Her.
In the Red Tent, we join to celebrate our unique experiences, our stories, and our healing. We find community with women of all ages, backgrounds, and herstories. We find our own sacredness, reflected in the Seasons and cycles of Mother Earth.
In Patriarchy, it is essential to create Female spaces that are safe to feel, heal, share, and find community as Women. The Red Tent is a movement to heal Womb trauma, to spread the energy of love to this world that is so in need, starting with women uplifting and loving our sacred bodies. |
Join us every month in Sacred Sisterhood to heal, empower, and celebrate the Goddess! Each moon we will dive into different themes to carry us through the seasons of our lives. Gather with women all over the world to remember our power and divine magic!